Trade Traffic

We invite quality adult video sites of all sizes to trade traffic with the Slix Media Network. We can match any amount of traffic you can send us, just follow the steps below and let the trading begin!

Our Sites

+ (225k+) // rss
+ (50k+) // rss
+ (20k+) // rss

Getting Started

+ First off, register an account on Slix Media.
+ Once your logged in, add your domains to your account.
+ Then you can immedaitly start sending traffic to our sites to start the trade!

Check out our content and our banners for ways to send traffic to our sites. After you've sent some traffic, you will be able to submit links on our sites to get traffic back based on a ratio and credits system. Pleas check out our FAQ on how the trading system works.

If you have any problems or questions, please dont hesitate to contact us for any reason.


Oct. 07 2007

New Trading System in development